Important OASAS Form Issue Identified

NYS OASAS Customers,

It has come to our attention of an issue with the OASAS 822 forms and it is very important that you are aware of the issue and what steps to take until a hotfix is in place.

Forms impacted: TGI Initial AssessmentTGI PN w/ Goal Management or any Formlab forms you have created using the Goals/Comments control.

Identified Issue:  If the new Initial Assessment or PN w/ Goal Management forms are used, we are running into an issue where a note that is completed but NOT locked is showing goals and comments from a note created after the note was completed.

For example:

DOS 8/1:  1 goal with status of new, 1 comment indicating ‘first comment’
The note is signed but NOT locked (padlock) and has green checkmark on left side of chart

You then write another note:

DOS 8/2:  1 goal with status of IN PROGRESS, I add a commend “2nd comment”
The note is signed and fully locked (padlock)

You go back to the first note on 8/1 to view it or complete it:

The Goals and Comments are reflective of the 8/2 progress note.  This should not be the case as you had at least 1 signature on the note.  The note should only be showing you the Goals and Comments based on when you signed this note.


Workarounds until a hotfix is created and can be rolled out:

  • Ensure Forms using the Goals/Comments tabs are locked and completed (all signatures) as soon as possible.
  • Stop using form until the fix is in place


We apologize for any inconvenience this caused for you!